Kaeso Holistic Facials

Kaeso Holistic Facials at Heaven Therapy Beauty Salon in Cullercoats, North Shields

best place for Facials at Heaven Therapy beauty salon in Whitley Bay, Cullercoats, Tynemouth, tyne and wearLooking good starts with great skin, and aromatherapy can help you achieve this in various ways. A Kaeso Holistic Facial is a massage using essential oils, and has the same principles as aromatherapy.

The essential oils are so minute that they will get through the five layers of skin and be carried around the body through the circulation.

This holistic facial concentrates on the upper body, neck, head and face. The remarkable penetrative properties of essential oils make them excellent moisturisers, and the wide range of their properties means there is always the right oil for the right condition.

The facial skin is the most delicate skin on the body. Having a good cleansing routine and massage can really help the skin stay in good condition by cleansing and draining the lymph which filters out the waste products. Regular facials are also very good for keeping wrinkles at bay, by the massage techniques applied.

Relieve Stress & Fatigue with a Holistic Facial

Having a professional facial treatment has so many therapeutic benefits. Our face is the ‘front’ that we present to the world, and it can only too clearly show all the tensions and stress in our lives. When we’re tired, unhappy, rundown, stressed or ill, it shows in our face. A Holistic Facial is soothing and relaxing, and the results are amazing. Wrinkles can appear reduced and the skin rejuvenated, giving a much sought after ‘instant face lift’ without painful invasive surgery. Our Facials are suitable for normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin.  They are also beneficial for breakouts.

What are the Benefits of a Holistic Facial?

  • Moisturises and nourishes the skin
  • Relaxes you as the treatment has a calming effect on the nervous system
  • Increases the blood and lymph circulation
  • Brightens the complexion due to increased blood circulation
  • Gives clients a feeling of well-being
  • Relieves stress and fatigue
  • Promotes restful sleep
  • Improves concentration
  • Reduces tension headaches
  • Tones the facial muscles
  • Improves the circulation to the scalp and hair
  • Relieves pressure to the sinuses
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Suitable for dry skin and sensitive skin
  • Can help with conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis

Incorporate Holistic Facial Massage into your daily life and you’ll see the difference. The aromatherapy oils, cleansers and toners have so many powerful benefits to help with all skin types and conditions. We use Kaeso products, which are 100% natural and paraben-free products.

Gift Vouchers & Beauty Packages – Top Beauty Salon, North Shields

Looking for the perfect gift for that special person in your life? Facial Gift vouchers from Heaven Therapy are an ideal gift for anyone who loves to look and feel good. Gift vouchers are available for any treatment or product and can be bought online here or from our reception.

Five Star Salon Reviews of Kaeso Holistic Facials at Heaven Therapy Beauty Salon in Cullercoats

Salon Review
"My first visit to Heaven Therapy was great! I had the Kaeso Facial and it was amazing… so relaxing and my skin feels great! I will definitely book again. "
Salon Review
"Perfect facial as always "
Salon Review
"Nicole was so warm and friendly and took time to listen to my needs with my treatment. Massage and facial was lovely "
Salon Review
"Best facial I have had in a long while. "
Salon Review
"My skin feels fab, the hour went so quickly as I can't remember the last time I was so relaxed. I have booked again next month."