Enjoy A DIY Spa Day at Home

5 Easy Ways To Enjoy a Spa Day At Home During Lockdown – Top Tips From Heaven Therapy in Cullercoats, Whitley Bay

Having a relaxing beauty treatment, may not be at the top of your list of priorities right now – but it could just be the little feel-good boost you need during lockdown. Our team of experts may not currently be able to carry out the range of quality massage treatments & facials you are used to, however, they are available to bring you some top tips to help you practice self-care and enjoy a some “me time”.

#1 – Create Your Own Steam Room

5 Easy Ways To Enjoy a Spa Day At Home During Lockdown – Top Tips From Naturally Heaven Therapy in Cullercoats, Whitley BayRun your shower on hot to create your own steam room at home. Better yet, add a few drops of your favourite aromatherapy essential oils into a burner or spritz into the air. You can always use strong smelling citrus fruits such as oranges, or lemons if you don’t have any oils.  

Steam is a great way to help reduce stress levels, it also works to clear and improve impurities from the skin & can ease the symptoms of a cold.

#2 Give Yourself a Facial

Now that your steam room session is over you can pamper yourself with a luxury facial to leave you with super soft skin. Simply pat dry the skin and apply a soothing face mask – there are lots of ideas for creating face masks at home using the contents of your fridge available on YouTube.

Bananas are especially great to use as they contain a range of powerful vitamins to fade dark spots and blemishes. Not only do they have vitamin B to reduce dryness, vitamin E to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but also potassium which helps to hydrate thirsty skin. 

#3 Deep Condition Your Hair

5 Easy Ways To Enjoy a Spa Day At Home During Lockdown – Top Tips From Naturally Heaven Therapy in Cullercoats, Whitley BayYour spa day wouldn’t be complete without a relaxing hair & scalp ritual. If you don’t have any hair masques a normal conditioner will do (or raid your fridge again in search of coconut oil) to deeply moisture dry ends.

Start by working the conditioner into the ends of your hair before using the surplus to give yourself f a gentle, relaxing head massage. It’s amazing how relaxed and calm you will feel after a few simple strokes.  

Wrap hair in a warm, fluffy towel and leave for around 20 minutes before rinsing out with lots of warm water.

#4 Soothe Your Senses

The best part of a spa day for many is the sense of calm and the knowledge that you don’t have to do anything.   

Recreate this at home by darkening your room, lighting a scented candle & playing some soothing music. Before you settle back to unwind, place cooled chamomile tea bags on your eyes which can work to reduce redness and puffy eyes. 

Then, simply lie back and relax…

#5 Soak Up The Sun

After any pampering beauty treatment, it’s important to stay hydrated. Head out into the garden with a glass of water – try adding a refreshing slice of lemon or cucumber for extra zing.

Sunshine has many health benefits including stress reduction, increasing your levels of vitamin D and increased serotonin production (the body’s natural mood booster!).  Make sure that you are sun safe with an SPF 50 sunscreen and do not stay outside too long to avoid burning, which can be dangerous. 
